速報APP / 教育 / Learn JAVA in Hindi, JAVA सीखें हिंदी मे

Learn JAVA in Hindi, JAVA सीखें हिंदी मे





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Sikar, Rajasthan, INDIA

Learn JAVA in Hindi, JAVA सीखें हिंदी में(圖1)-速報App

इस App का लक्ष्य उन सभी students और IT professionals की help करना है जो computer science और IT के field में नए है और नए नए subjects को समझने का प्रयास कर रहे है। यँहा पर आपको JAVA से related सभी topics की tutorials Hindi में provide की गयी है। इस में सभी tutorials हिंदी में दी गयी है। हिंदी में आप आसानी से और जल्दी समझ सकते है।


History of java

Features of java

Object oriented principles of java

Java development tools

Java vs c

Java vs c++

Installing java

Installing eclipse

First java program

Hello java program

Public access specifier

Static keyword

Command line arguments

How to compile and run a java program

Through IDE

Through console

Learn JAVA in Hindi, JAVA सीखें हिंदी में(圖2)-速報App

Introduction to java data types


Floating point numbers



Introduction to java variables

Types of java variables

Creating java variables

Taking input from user in variables

Introduction to java strings

Operations on java strings

Length of java strings

Concatenating java strings

Indexing java strings

Comparing java strings

Introduction to java arrays

Creating java arrays

Initializing java arrays

Displaying java arrays

Learn JAVA in Hindi, JAVA सीखें हिंदी में(圖3)-速報App

Introduction to java operators

Types of java operators

Introduction to java control statements

Selection statements

Iteration statements

Jump statements

Introduction to java classes

Advantage of java classes

Creating a class

Main method

Introduction to java objects

Steps to create java objects


This keyword

Introduction to java constructors

Rules for creating java constructors

Types of java constructors

Introduction to java methods

Structure of java methods definition

Learn JAVA in Hindi, JAVA सीखें हिंदी में(圖4)-速報App

Structure of java methods call


Java method overloading

Java method overriding

Introduction to java exception handling

Keywords for java exception handling

Steps for java exception handling

Some common java exceptions


Introduction to java interfaces

Working with java interfaces


Introduction to java packages

Creating java packages

Using/Accessing java packages

Some common java packages


Introduction to java multi-threading

Thread class implementation in java multi-threading

Learn JAVA in Hindi, JAVA सीखें हिंदी में(圖5)-速報App

Runnable interface implementation in java multi-threading

Synchronization in Java multi-threading

Introduction to java file I/O


Byte streams

Character streams

java serialization

Serializable interface

Object output stream

Object input stream


java collections framework

Collection interface

List interface

Set interface

Queue interface

Map interface

Iterator interface

Java functional interface

Learn JAVA in Hindi, JAVA सीखें हिंदी में(圖6)-速報App

Introduction to java lambda expression

Example of java lambda expression

java applets

Life cycle of java applets


Parameter passing in java applets

java generics

Example of java generics

Generic methods

Generic constructors

Java generics bounded types

Java generics wildcard arguments

java AWT (Abstract Windows Toolkit)

Container classes of java AWT

Component classes of java AWT

Frame class of java AWT

java event handling

Source and listener classes

Example of java event handling

Learn JAVA in Hindi, JAVA सीखें हिंदी में(圖7)-速報App

Adapter classes for java event handling

java servlets

Packages used by servlets

Tasks of java servlets

Life cycle of java servlets

do-Get() and do-Post() methods

Steps to create a java servlets program

Introduction to java swing

Features of java swing

Swing hierarchy

Swing classes

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Surendra Tetarwal

Suren ICT Tech Lab, Suren Apps, SurenApps, Suren App, Surenapp

Learn JAVA in Hindi, JAVA सीखें हिंदी में(圖8)-速報App

Sikar (Raj) India

Learn JAVA in Hindi, JAVA सीखें हिंदी में(圖9)-速報App